Thursday, September 29, 2016

9-30-16 Newsletter

   This week we have continued reading our read aloud book, Zach's Lie.  Students have been so into this book and get so upset when I have to stop each day.  We have been working on asking questions while reading for a better understanding, visualizing what we are reading and writing reading reactions that encompass all the reading comprehension strategies we have taught so far this year.  In book clubs, we have been talking a lot about the difference between an inference and a prediction.  Students have had amazing conversations about the books we are reading.
   Next week we will finish our read aloud book.We will also review all the comprehension strategies that we have talked about and learned throughout this book.  Students are going to be so excited about our next read aloud!!    

   You all are going to be amazed with the personal narratives these kiddos have been working on.  Compared to their pre-assessment, they are hitting these pieces out of the park.  This week we focused on endings and how to leave the readers satisfied with our stories.  We learned about lots of different choices for endings.  Some students wrote several and picked their favorite one.  We have also worked really hard on punctuation within dialogue.
   Next week we will be working on revising and editing and then publishing our final copies.  I can't wait to read them all start to finish and I know they are excited to share them with you!  We will be have a "Brown Bag Breakfast" October 14th from 8:00-8:45.  Please see the note in your child's Friday folder and let me know if you can make it!!

   This week we have continued our study of multiplication.  We have talked about facts, relationships between numbers and more.  Students learned strategies for all facts 0-12.  Be sure to ask them and be practicing those facts each night!!  
   We also stopped and spent some time on word problems, specifically multi-step ones.  I was noticing that students were just looking for numbers in a word problem and would do whatever operation we were learning about.  We discussed the importance of really understanding word problems and what they were asking.  This is something that we will continue to hit throughout the year.  Next week we will discuss factors, review and test over this unit.

   Students were super excited about starting Science.  We have discussed the importance of science notebooks and observations this week.  Students were given a picture of a location in Columbia.  Using their science notebooks, students had to observe the picture and write about it (simple instructions).  I then collected all the pictures and gave them someone else's picture.  Students had to go around trying to find the description of the picture on someone else's science notebook.  They found this pretty hard.  We talked about what was helpful in an observation.  On Friday, we did it again.  The observations were amazing.  This activity about the importance of observations is going to be very helpful as we start our very first experiment on Monday.  
Word Work
   I LOVE Mondays when I get to meet with word study groups.  It is so fun to hear students talk about words.  I meet with five different groups.  Students are grouped based on spelling patterns they need to understand.  Throughout the week, they get to do lots of fun activities with their "rule" of words.  Be sure and ask your child about what group of wrods they are studying.  

Important Dates
  • October 4th- Picture Day
  • October 5th- Planetarium Field Trip
  • October 14th - 4th grade "Brown Bag Breakfast" 8:00-8:45
  • October 19th- Early Out
  • October 28th- Fall Room Parties
  • October 31st-  NO SCHOOL- teacher work day
  • November 7th- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:00
  • November 8th- NO SCHOOL (election day)
  • November 10th- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:00
  • November 11th- NO SCHOOL (teacher's work day)
  • November 14th- Veteran's Assembly & Grandparent's Day
  • November 15th- Picture Retake Day
  • November 16th- PTA meeting at 6:30
  • November 23-25th- Thanksgiving Break

Friday, September 23, 2016

Counselor and Introduction to Multiplication

Every other Thursday, our counselor, Ms. Harris comes in for a lesson.  On the off  Thursday, we have library check-out.  This Thursday Ms. Harris came in for our counselor lesson.  We talked about friendship and how important it is.  Students are working on a friendship page to talk about next time.
We also began our new unit in math on multiplication.  I wanted to show them how multiplication is everywhere.  We talked first about what multiplication really was.  Then, we went on an array hunt around the building.  The kids were in awe of all the places they found multiplication in our building.  We downloaded an app called Notability and students imported their arrays and figured out what the totals were.  It was so fun!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Math Games and Word Sorts

This week we have started word study.  
There were lots of groans about this until they realized how fun it could be.  
We also took some time and played math games.  They loved Jeopardy.  After their math tests, they loved having choice about what math game they wanted to play. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Lego Creations

This week has been so fun with our Leogs!!

Lots of Pictures and 9-16-16 Newsletter

Every other week, I will try and make a blog post in the form of a newsletter.  I know you love the pictures, but want to also know what we are up to as well! :)

Here was our week this week and what is coming up next week...

   Students have been busy working on their personal narratives.  They collected lots of ideas to write about, but had to choose just one (this was tough!).  This week we worked on writing interesting leads that would hook our reader.  We also learned how to add imagery and SHOW our reader, not just tell.  This has been tough to paint a picture for readers to see as they read.
   Next week we will look at the rubric for what is expected of their final pieces, work on our rising action, the heart of the story and dialogue.  Be sure to ask your child about what they are writing and how they are revising their piece daily.
   We always talk about how good writers get ideas from other good writers.  This week, students have had such rich conversations about their personal narratives and how to make them even better.
   This week students have really had some choice during reading time.  We met for book clubs.  Be sure and ask your child what book we will be reading together.  Students are still really enjoying our read aloud book Zach's Lie.  We have learned about point of view and character's purpose this week.  Next week we will be discussing the differences between predictions and inferences.

   This week, I introduced the text book to students.  They thought this was the coolest thing ever!  They loved working on independent work and did an awesome job.  We are finishing up our unit on addition and subtraction.  Students will review Friday and Monday and take a test on this unit on Tuesday.   Next week we will begin our study of multiplication.  At this point in the year, students should be fluent in their addition and subtraction facts 0-12.  If you notice your child isn't, I would recommend flash cards each night.  
Social Studies
   Students did an AWESOME job on the geography quiz.  I was super impressed with the effort they put in to studying and learning continents, oceans, states and important locations around Missouri.  Be watching for those quizzes to come home in Friday folders today.

   Next week we will begin science.  We will start by talking about famous scientists and looking at their notebooks.  We will also set up our own science notebooks and talk about the important parts of a science experiment.

Class Fun
   We have a Mizzou college student, Ms. Forsyth, in our classroom every Wednesday to learn teaching strategies and work with students.  They loved the getting to know you activity she brought to help them get to know her.   

   At least twice a week, students answer a fun white board question as they come in the mornings..  This week we had fun with these questions and the discussions they brought up.

Our bean bags have arrived!!  We were BEYOND excited to use them and be comfy while working.  
Word Study
   Monday, students will begin working on word study rotations.  Students will be put into groups based on spelling patterns they need to learn.  Each week, students will learn a new pattern and have daily activities to help them learn this pattern within a group of words.

Important Dates
  • September 26th- NO SCHOOL- teacher work day
  • October 4th- Picture Day
  • October 19th- Early Out
  • October 31st-  NO SCHOOL- teacher work day