Friday, December 7, 2018

Service Learning Project

We have spent a lot of time this week and last preparing for our Service Learning Project.

Last week they presented their research to 1st grade classes.  This week we measured string, tied string on ribbons and organized orders for teachers.  They have loved doing this!!

They delivered bells and "Jingled Away J.A."   

I am so proud of how hard they worked on this project and the awareness they created around Beulah Ralph.  Thanks for all your support!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thanksgiving Feast

Today was one of my favorite days!  I just love these kids and my job.  Thank you so much for sharing them with me each day.  Today, they impressed me with their manners, their no thank-you helpings that turned into second helpings.  I hope each of you have a wonderful thanksgiving and know how thankful I am for each of your kiddos and families.