Friday, August 23, 2024

First Week as a Class Family

 Even with only four days this week, we have built such a great classroom community and I already adore this group.  We talked about how important relationships are and how in our classroom, we are a family. I shared with them how they will make mistakes and how proud I will be of them because mistakes are proof they are trying.  We learned about the importance of perseverance, the power of the word yet, and not quitting or giving up.  We got to know each other more and also filled each other's buckets numerous times.  Some discussions focused around how heavy our words can be, how we can't make assumptions or take words we say back and how we can always find good in people and each other.  We learned what they want in a classmate, especially when working in a group. Be sure to ask your child about it all! 

I won't always be able to post to our class blog each week, but I did want to share some pictures I snapped of your kiddos.  We laughed a lot this week and I wish these pictures captured the giggles and competitiveness of this group.  I had such a great week with them and I hope they did too.   

I'm already looking forward to next week.  
Thanks for sharing your kids with me.