Friday, December 9, 2022

Project Lead the Way Energy Unit with Mrs. Fitch

 Day 1 with Mrs. Fitch: 

 We learned about collisions, what energy is, and the difference between potential and kinetic energy.  In a group, students then built a pendulum together to show potential energy.

Day 2 with Mrs. Fitch: 

Students learned more about group work and problem solving as well as making a hypothesis about an event.  They worked together to build their cars, then tested cars colliding on a ramp and noticed how height impacts speed and collision force.  Students were able to see energy transfer when vehicles collided.  

Day 3 with Mrs. Fitch:

Students learned how the mass changed the energy and collision of vehicles.  Students began to see with their own eyes how energy is transferred.  Students also went in the hallway and speed tested their vehicles to learn how changing the height of the vehicle changed the speed.  

Day 4 with Mrs. Fitch:

Today, on our last day with Mrs. Fitch, we planned and designed a prototype that will protect a passenger during a collision.  Students worked collaboratively to build, test and evaluate their models.  They used everything they learned this week about energy to design safety features for their vehicle to keep an egg safe inside.  Students then LOVED to test their vehicle's safety and see who had a safe and unbroken egg in the end.  Thank you to Mrs. Fitch for such a fun and hands-on learning experience!! 

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