Friday, January 19, 2018

Energy/Collision Unit with Mrs. Fitch

Our kids had an absolute blast learning about energy, collisions and investigating these concepts.  We began by watching Mrs. Fitch take an egg down a ramp and crack it.  This made the kids super interested.  
We then played Angry Birds and talked about how this connected to what we were learning.  
Students then used an app to put together their own vehicle.  Students had to follow step-by-step directions and work together to problem solve.  

Today, students began to create test cards to carry and egg down a ramp and hit a wall without breaking.  Students used a fake egg to test their vehicle and the impact.  They were super excited to test the real egg in the afternoon!

Our eggs were all successful!!  None broke completely open!  There was one that had a MINOR crack.  Way to go!! 

Thanks, Mrs. Fitch for coming to teach such an amazing unit to us!